Thursday, June 3, 2010

Help and Ideas please

My life is about to take a turn for the crazy and meal prep will be a bit more complicated. As many of you know I am an organizer. I love an organized life but am becoming very afraid my life is about to be turned upside down with the addition of a full time job. The kind where they want me to show up each and every day for work no matter if I have a plan for dinner or need to go grocery shopping. Needless to say, the whole family is going to be shell shocked.

With this change comes the question of how do I keep making fairly good quality meals in a timely fashion? I know the standards of doing prep like cutting of veggies the night before as well as having a menu and sticking to it but I only have so many ideas that can fall into these categories.

Please aid me with quick dinner ideas. Any and all will be greatly appreciated!

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