Monday, June 14, 2010

The Backyardigans Challenge

Kristin's post asking for ideas to help her manage her soon-to-be-even-crazier life got me thinking: we all have days (and weeks!) when everything runs off the rails. It'd be handy to have a cache of recipes or meal plans for those times when we're too tired, busy or disgusted to put together a "real" dinner.

Ideally, we're talking about meals that are:
  1. Simple - and quick - to prepare
  2. Appealing to both kids and adults
  3. Reasonably nutritious
Many nights, I'm happy just to meet the first criterion. And, when I have less than half an hour to get dinner on the table, I often call on Austin, Pablo, Tasha, Tyrone and Uniqua to keep the kids occupied while I cook.

So, here's the challenge: meals that hit the table within about 25 minutes (a single episode of the Backyardigans). Award yourself extra points if you hit all three goals: fast, good and good-for-you. Feel free to use leftovers and please share any cheats you discover (e.g., I start the water for rice before I turn on the TV).

I'll start the ball rolling with instructions for Lavash Pizza, a go-to dish in our household.

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